Rancho El Ensueã£â£ã¢â£ã£â¢ã¢â Ranch

Yautepec, Morelos.

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Sale: $15,000,000
Mexican pesos
Clave: 17yau
Llame ahora
(777) 2217584
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[email protected]
Lot: 70000 m² Type of lot: Flat
Levels: 1 Age: New
Condition: Excellent Pool: With equipment
Located: On street Traffic: Nil
   Mess located in yautepec, Mor., of 7 hectares it possesses: lake, pond, lounge for events dressing rooms palapa, kitchen,  6 bedrooms with bath,  rolled water apantle garden,  field of tennis,  basketball and  soccer,  tank of storage for rolled water and drinkable,  field for sowing agricultural area and cattle galley with 10 corrals,  roofed stables,  fruit-bearing trees of different fruits,  bungalo with two bedrooms,  room,  dining room,  kitcheb,  bath;  proper transformer;  possesses an annexe for personnel of maintenance; totally thatched illuminated mess.